Adolescent education

When any individual reaches adolescence, they find themselves in an environment filled with various perspectives, thoughts, and even opposing actions. When an adolescent is placed in a contrasting environment, they become confused. A contrasting environment is one where different and opposing ideas coexist. Whether it’s at school, university, within the family, among friends, or even in society, adolescents encounter individuals with different viewpoints and values.

For various reasons such as confusion or curiosity, adolescents may try to behave in a certain way and adapt themselves to the people around them. Often, we raise our children like water, taking the shape of whatever container they find themselves in. For example, if they attend a religious gathering, they act religiously, but if they sit with drinkers, they might drink as well. We should enlighten adolescents, emphasizing the importance of values, so that they become thoughtful and enlightened individuals rather than blindly following beliefs and biases.

Adolescents should familiarize themselves with values such as justice, honesty, responsibility, and respect for others. They should learn to think logically and make independent decisions. Above all, they need to understand that everyone holds different perspectives and beliefs, and that diversity is part of how God created humanity.

“Adolescents naturally question their thoughts and habits, desiring to make their own decisions, think independently, and feel a strong sense of autonomy. At this age, listening to adolescents, valuing their desires, and encouraging logical thinking can significantly impact their behavior, insight, and development.

Adolescence is a crucial period in people’s lives, accompanied by physical, emotional, and social changes. During this phase, adolescents face various emotions and challenges. One of the initial changes is hormonal fluctuations, which often lead to shifts in ethics, behavior, and feelings, creating a period of heightened tension.

Adolescents seek to discover their identity during this time. They strive to understand who they are, what values they hold, and what role they play in society. They plan for their future and how they interact with the community. Consequently, adolescents may experience doubt, uncertainty, and either excessive trust or lack of trust in others, including heavy reliance on tools like Instagram, which can sometimes lead to depression.

At this age, adolescents crave connections with others and aim to establish relationships. They may join new groups, find new friends, or even fall in love. All these relationships can be intense. Due to the challenges they face, adolescents may exhibit behaviors ranging from romantic and joyful to anxious, aggressive, and unstable. It’s essential to pay sufficient attention to these behaviors.

Adolescents strive for independence, which may lead them to avoid certain tasks or spend more time with friends or clubs. Parents and friends should understand adolescents during this stage, provide adequate support, and ensure they get enough sleep, consume healthy food, engage in physical activity, and have recreational outlets, as these factors significantly influence adolescent behavior and disposition.

“At this age, try to have constructive interactions with adolescents rather than destructive ones. For example, show empathy and companionship to adolescents, strive to understand them, encourage logical thinking, support them in challenges, and give importance to their desires and interests. Maintain a balance in controlling your behavior with adolescents—neither being overly strict nor granting them unlimited freedom.

Teach adolescents to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ appropriately. This skill is essential for them to express themselves effectively in critical situations. Remember that adolescents won’t always follow your instructions, and sometimes they may resist your requests. In such cases, be flexible with them. Additionally, it’s essential for adolescents to learn from their mistakes and gain experience.

In any case, paying attention to adolescents’ needs, respecting their privacy, and understanding their feelings are key to successful interactions. Avoid immediate opposition to adolescents, as poorly handled disagreements can make them more confident in their choices. Instead of providing instant answers to their questions or doubts, guide them to think critically. Treat adolescents with respect and companionship, allowing them to make decisions and learn from their experiences. Encouraging independent thinking through logical answers strengthens their self-confidence.

Remember that we cannot drastically change an adolescent’s environment in the short term. Restricting their environment can be harmful and may lead to rebellious behavior or depression.”

Superficial education

1. **Surface-Level Parenting and Superficial Approaches**:

    – Providing information to adolescents without understanding their emotions is a mistake.

    – Adolescents have strong feelings, and it’s essential to acknowledge their emotions and interact with them accordingly.

    – Use logical language and simple explanations when talking to adolescents. Visual aids like examples, images, and videos can be helpful.

    – Listen to their questions and discussions, encourage precise analysis, and motivate them to find answers and solve problems.

    – Instead of imposing commands, focus on creating awareness and allowing choices. Forcing adolescents into actions can lead to feelings of humiliation and disrespect.

    – Avoid excessive and unwarranted control through excessive encouragement or punishment. Instead, address the root causes.

2. **Carrying the Orange Thinly and Carrying Out Their Commands Instead of Empowering Them**:

    – Parents taking on all responsibilities is incorrect. It reduces adolescents’ independence and self-awareness, leading to avoidance of responsibilities.

    – Solving all problems and challenges for adolescents is a mistake.

    – Providing excessive comfort and luxury is not beneficial.

3. **Heating Instead of Illuminating**:

    – Stimulating emotions and excitement without understanding is wrong.

    – Creating slogans and indoctrination instead of fostering understanding is misguided.

    – The most significant obstacle is when adolescents act without thinking or reflection. Encourage critical thinking and questioning.

    – Adolescents should develop an analytical and questioning mindset.

**Correct Parenting Approach**

1. **Introduction**: Establishing credibility and value with adolescents through friendship. Before anything else, adolescents must feel trust and security in their relationship with you. Becoming friends with adolescents and creating intimacy can strengthen this trust. Proper parenting is not possible without this introduction, and sometimes it requires planning for days or months to gradually move on to the next stages.

2. **Strengthening Identity and Independence in Adolescents**: Adolescents should be themselves, not imitators. They have beliefs, perspectives, and values to which they adhere, and they should accept these values. For example, consider an adolescent who, due to social pressure, tries to always act like others and hide their personal identity. In reality, they are neglecting their true self. Strengthening adolescent independence leads to self-confidence, courage, action, and accepting responsibility in the face of challenges.

3. **Encouraging Thought Before Action**: Teach adolescents to think before they act, analyze issues, and evaluate them. The achievements of this stage include pre-action thinking, analyzing and critiquing ideas, and having a problem-solving mindset.

4. **Promoting Truth-Seeking**: Adolescents should be truth-seekers and avoid prejudice. Not being stubborn and freeing themselves from incorrect thoughts and habits are also achievements of this stage¹.

Solutions and implementation methods of adolescent education stage.

1. **Being a Suitable Role Model**: It’s enough for us to be the kind of person we’d like our teenager to become.

2. **Consulting with Adolescents**: Seeking advice from adolescents conveys the message of their value and capability. When consulting on matters that require thought, we should give importance to their opinions—even if they’re mistaken. If they are wrong, let’s try to think in their way or gently guide them to recognize their mistake.

3. **Assigning Responsibilities to Adolescents**: Giving responsibilities to adolescents fosters their sense of capability. Assign tasks that make them feel grown-up. When they take on a responsibility, support them. After their success, encourage them. Sometimes, through responsibilities, they realize that certain tasks are challenging, but we shouldn’t belittle them for it.

4. **Dealing with Problems and Issues**: We shouldn’t rush to solve adolescents’ problems and issues. Instead, teach them problem-solving skills. Occasionally, it’s necessary to create challenges for them.

5. **Emphasizing Imperfections and Setbacks**: Downplaying imperfections and setbacks boosts adolescents’ self-confidence and courage to take action.

6. **Honoring and Respecting Adolescents**: Maintain respect for adolescents. Being friendly doesn’t mean saying anything we want or doing whatever we please with them.

7. **Recognizing Abilities and Talents**: Everyone has strengths. Discover and acknowledge them. When pointing out their weaknesses, ensure they don’t feel inadequate. Address mistakes and shortcomings with kindness and friendship. Adolescents should understand that greater understanding and ability come with greater responsibility, and they should strive to be more useful. Avoid the misconception that superior understanding automatically makes them better than others; effort matters.

8. **Encouraging Questioning and Conversation**: Critical thinking requires asking questions. Encourage adolescents to think through various issues for themselves. Don’t suppress their curiosity. While media often limits questioning, we can foster it by asking questions ourselves. Provide clear, understandable answers to their queries. 🌟 


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